Recitation 6: Processing Animation &Documentation by Wendy S

Recitation 6: Processing Animation Recitation Exercise Let’s animate! Instructions: Integrate the coding elements from this week’s classes to create an interactive animation in Processing: should include some level of interaction (i.e. keyboard or mouse). Take a video of your interactive animation, and upload it along with your code. We are all familiar with how good he is at Teleport, the enderman.      … Read more Recitation 6: Processing Animation &Documentation by Wendy S

Midterm Project: Research

Source of inspiration User cases Theoretical foundation Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs – light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message – and turn it into an output – activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something… Read more Midterm Project: Research

Recitation 3: Sensors &Documentation by Wendy S

Recitation 3: Sensors Recitation Exercise For this recitation’s exercise, please choose one of the sensors listed below and read about what it is and how it performs. Build a circuit that integrates this sensor with your Arduino. Use the data (input) from your sensor to drive an output (Servo-motor, LEDs, Buzzer, etc.). Document the finished… Read more Recitation 3: Sensors &Documentation by Wendy S

Recitation 5: Processing Basics &Documentation by Wendy S

Recitation 5: Processing Basics Recitation Exercise For today’s exercise, you will be working alone to draw an image in Processing based on any image that inspires you. Step 1: Choose an image to be your motif I thought of making Minecraft avatars because they are initially pixel characters.  I’m picking orange as the background color… Read more Recitation 5: Processing Basics &Documentation by Wendy S