Recitation 4: Drawing Machine &Documentation by Wendy S

This is the most risky recitation ever: I might either explode my computer, or burn myself. But this is also the most interesting recitation ever: We(Me and my partner Ray) managed to build a “drawing machine”! Goal: To learn to build mechanical arms that are controlled by stepper motors with an H-bridge. Again, it is… Read more Recitation 4: Drawing Machine &Documentation by Wendy S

Recitation 2: Arduino Basics &Documentation by Wendy S

Recitation 2: Arduino Basics Meet Arduino, and start basic coding! By Wendy  In this recitation, I made 3 circuits with Arduino. Fade, toneMelody, and a little 2-player game.  Arduino Basics Circuit 1: Fade Circuit 2: Tone Melody- Play a Melody using the tone() function   Circuit 3: Speed Game: Race the Led The schematic:… Read more Recitation 2: Arduino Basics &Documentation by Wendy S