Inventions in immersing realities

It is easier to be an inventor in an imaginary setting. Here are some inspirations from the 3 fiction readings:

In Folding Beijing, there are 2 devices caught my attention:The elevated auto-sorting system in apartment buildings in Second Space; And the automobile in First Space.

In Newton’s Sleep, I found this particularly interesting: A device that enables one to see the invisible (e.g. ghosts/spirits etc.).

In The Lifecycle of software objects, I especially enjoyed the technology they are treating their digients. Here is what I come up of: “A wearable digient”. Due to the fact that digients are after all digital pets, they are demonstrated as projections,. This is a wearable wristband, and it is also where you raise your digient. Turn it on to summon, and turn it off to say goodbye. The digient still needs your cares(e.g. foods, water & accompany), but they won’t affect your personal space in reality, nor they will excrete everywhere. Plus, you can take them anywhere! Download the app on your other device you can synch your digient So you don’t need to worry if you lose your wristband or accidentally break it. As long as you have the data in your database (in your Earth account), your digient lives safe and sound. Existing technology that may support this concept: Projection wristband;+DIGIMON.

Meanwhile, problems may exist due to the existence of this invention. In postman’s Five Things We Need to Know About Technology, he listed 5 binary aspects of technology. We can’t fully understand something if we only know one side of it. Thus, we have to examine one from both good and bad. As well as the joy and convenience this device may bring, there is a chance that it might raise security issues. Since the digients are designed to be “interacted” with the real world, any training invluding vilence may cause real damage to victims in reality. This is based on the fact that one of the digients learned bad word from a trainer’s no talk.(p14) Their strong learning ability make them amazing companions, but dangerous soldiers as well. Supervision on digient trainings are, therefore, critical. I’d recommend using coding and supervision system. To separate the training system from the feeding and play, and to develop new skill you need permission from Earth.

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