This is the final presentation for my Galaxy Buds case. To start, there were a few challenges that I ran into while making the presentation. One, sometimes the render would end up looking different from how the in-canvas render looked. For instance, the lighting would mess up the model somehow and so some of the renders looked less clean or realistic compared to others (as seen in the last slide). Additionally, I kept rerendering and repositioning the model that my project struggled to load the last time I tried to open it. I actually wanted to do a few more renders to replace some of the images I already have, but the final didn’t open.
Positioning and matching the lighting to an image was also quite difficult to do without using Photoshop, but in the end it managed to look not too bad (the keychain contextual image still looks off though). Finally, a challenge I faced outside of the presentation was definitely remembering to ground or unground, and then there was the issue where the lid somehow become bigger after moving it.