New Paper Online in Nature Machine Intelligence

We have a new paper “A neural speech decoding framework leveraging deep learning and speech synthesis” online in Nature Machine Intelligence! Also, check out the codes here The work is jointly supervised by Prof. Yao Wang and Prof. Adeen Flinker. It is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1912286, 2309057 (Y.W., A.F.) […]

New NSF award received

We have received a NSF award (jointly with Prof. Adeen Flinker of NYU School of Medicine) from the NSF Collaborative Research on Computational Neural Science program. The project title is “Understanding Cortical Networks Related to Speech Using Deep Learning on ECOG Data”.  Funding period is Oct. 2019 – Sept. 2022.  

Google Faculty Research Award

We received a Google Faculty Research Award for a project on deep learning based image and video coding. Award announced Feb. 2019.