New Paper Online in Nature Machine Intelligence

We have a new paper “A neural speech decoding framework leveraging deep learning and speech synthesis” online in Nature Machine Intelligence! Also, check out the codes here The work is jointly supervised by Prof. Yao Wang and Prof. Adeen Flinker. It is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1912286, 2309057 (Y.W., A.F.) […]

New Press Report about Our Works!

We have a new press report about our project “Object-Centric, View-Adaptive and Progressive Coding and Streaming of Point Cloud Video” (jointly with Prof. Yong Liu and Prof. Luke DuBois)   We also have a press release about our work “Distributed feedforward and feedback cortical processing supports human speech production“ (jointly with Prof. Adeen Flinker) (paper link)

New NSF award received!

We have received an NSF award (jointly with Prof. Adeen Flinker of NYU School of Medicine) from the NSF Collaborative Research on Computational Neural Science program. The project title is “Novel computational approaches for neural speech prostheses and causal dynamics of language processing”. Funding period: Oct. 2023 – Sept. 2026.

New NSF award received!

We have received an NSF award (jointly with Prof. Yong Liu and Prof. Luke DuBois) on “Object-Centric, View-Adaptive and Progressive Coding and Streaming of Point Cloud Video”. Funding period: Oct. 2023 – Aug. 2026.