This recitation allows us to work individually to learn about using Processing to create animation. However, since I have no coding foundation before, I do not finish the goal. Instead, I combined the work I did in class with the assignment and designed an interactive poster for the IMA show.
This is the first version of my code, which lacks interaction with the audience. I have learned how to use the frame code to create simple animations.
int speed = 0; int stage=0; void setup() { size(1024, 768); frameRate(4); } void draw() { background(150); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i ++) { stroke(255); strokeWeight(3); line(speed, 0, speed, 768); speed = speed + 10; stage = stage + 1; } if (frameCount >= 6) { textAlign(LEFT); textSize(130); fill(245, 183, 177); text("I", 180, 250); text("M", 500, 350); text("A", 300, 550); textSize(28); text("Spring 2022 \nEnd-Of-Semester Show", 700, 650); fill(255); noStroke(); rect(790, 20, 2, 100); rect(795, 20, 2, 100); textSize(20); textAlign(LEFT); text("Location: AB 8th floor", 815, 40); text("Day: Friday May 13", 815, 70); text("Time: 6pm to 8pm", 815, 100); } if (frameCount >= 9) { stroke(220); line(180, 250, 210, 180); } if (frameCount >= 11) { line(490, 365, 600, 365); line(600, 365, 650, 270); } if (frameCount >= 13) { noStroke(); circle(335, 450, 5); } if (frameCount >= 16) { noLoop(); fill(150); rect(0, 0, 1024, 768); } println(stage); }
Then I tried to research mouseClicked and KeyPressed code by myself. First, I faced difficulties using the mouseClicked code, so I asked LA Coco for help. She told me that I can use “boolean state = false;” to deal with this problem. Later, I keep writing code, including adding invitation texts and creating a LED graph, which represents the interaction Lab. Nevertheless, no matter how many times I pressed the key, the code still could not work properly. As a result, I turned t0 LA Sarah for help. We tried many different approaches and meet a consensus that maybe KeyPressed does not work like mouseClicked, but we still use boolean eventually to debug the code.
int speed = 0; int stage = 0; boolean state = false; boolean yKeyPressed = false; int value = 100; void setup() { size(1024, 768); frameRate(4); background(150); } void draw() { background(150); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i ++) { stroke(255); strokeWeight(3); line(speed, 0, speed, 768); speed = speed + 10; } if (frameCount >= 6) { textAlign(LEFT); textSize(130); fill(245, 183, 177); text("I", 180, 250); text("M", 500, 350); text("A", 300, 550); textSize(28); text("Spring 2022 \nEnd-Of-Semester Show", 700, 650); fill(255); noStroke(); rect(790, 20, 2, 100); rect(795, 20, 2, 100); textSize(20); textAlign(LEFT); text("Location: AB 8th floor", 815, 40); text("Day: Friday May 13", 815, 70); text("Time: 6pm to 8pm", 815, 100); } if (frameCount >= 9) { stroke(220); line(180, 250, 210, 180); } if (frameCount >= 11) { line(490, 365, 600, 365); line(600, 365, 650, 270); } if (frameCount >= 13) { noStroke(); circle(335, 450, 5); } if (state) { textSize(25); textAlign(CENTER); fill(255); text("Would you like to attend?", 360, 70); textSize(28); text("Y", 520, 70); text("or", 540, 70); text("N", 565, 70); } if (yKeyPressed) { value = 0; textSize(28); fill(250, 215, 160); text('Y', 520, 70); delay(200); noStroke(); fill(#6942A0); stroke(#6942A0); strokeWeight(1.5); ellipse(52.5, 52.5, 25, 25); rect(40, 50, 25, 20); line(30, 70, 72.5, 70); line(30, 75, 72.5, 75); line(43, 76.5, 43, 90); line(60, 76.5, 60, 102.5); textSize(35); fill(250, 215, 160); text("WELCOME!", 200, 700); } } void mouseClicked() { state = true; } void keyPressed() { if (key == 'Y' || key == 'y') { yKeyPressed = true; } else { } }
Final video:
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