Title: A Mischievous House
Name: Vicky (Team member: Steven)
Instructor: Margaret Minsky
Possible model house (by my partner):
C. Project Explanation
Topic: Game Design-To play, for fun
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Zw4-lRXJI
At first, we did the research respectively. I thought of an idea about a device in museums or galleries to protect the exhibits. For example, if the visitors come too close to the exhibits, their actions would trigger the ultrasonic ranger sensor and leads to an alert. If someone tries to take photos with a flashlight, the light sensor would also be sparked and remind the visitor of the correct rules. Later, we meet on Friday night to discuss the proposal. Steven suggested we watch some videos about the Arduino projects on Youtube to spark inspiration. We poped up an idea that we can create an interactive pet house and reach a consensus after discussion.
However, Professor Minsky said it is not that persuasive for users to play with play cat because it can play the role of accompanying compared to real pets. We discussed it a long time and agreed that it is hard to solve the flaw.
Therefore, we decided to alternate it to a just for fun project. It is a house that seems mysterious. If you come closer and press the door ring, the house will make sounds to attract you to play with it. If the cost you paid is satisfied for the house, it would open the door to give you the rewards. If not, such as keep pressing to door ring to annoy it or refusing to pay the price, the house will first alert you. If you still doing nothing, it will punish you, such as playing high-pitch noise or representing scary pictures to scare you.
I think this is not a very complicated game, but interesting and interactive enough because there are several choices for the players. In my imagination, it may be discovered in a warehouse, looking wicked but appealing. If you have the curiosity to take a closer look, you can receive the invitation to play a game with it. I think not only children but everyone young at heart or willing to explore unknown things are all my potential user. Even if they choose not to play the game in the end, they will only receive some little innocuous punishment. Just like the topic we chose, ‘To play, for fun’.
- Sensor
- Ultrasonic ranger HC-SR04
- Vibration sensor
- Neopixel strip (LED)
- Speaker
- Button
- Motor
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