One of ill effects of the web is that social networking sites are walling off information posted by their users from the rest of the Web. This is especially true in China. In order to use certain websites in china, you have to have a VPN on to access the websites. Another ill effect that is discussed by the author is that the government can tract whatever things you do or search and it makes people more reluctant on searching what they want to find out. A benefit of the web is that people can share information and more people could add up to it such as wikipedia. With data sharing capabilities, people could solve problems much quicker by working together. The web is very beneficial to us as we can keep on making improvements on them to make easy to use for people with disabilities. It has improved on their speed, access and privacy over time to make the user have better experience. Universality means that everything on the web is available to everyone anywhere they are. However even though the web is available to everyone each websites or apps isolates their viewers to only their data. Open standards are standards that have any committed expert involved in the design and also are free. An example of open standards are XML and SQL. They are free on the Web and that are royalty-free for developers and users. Closed worlds are when the http part of the website name is replaced with a company’s own name so that you are trapped in the store. As explained by the author, the web is like a household appliance and the internet is the electricity. The internet can be used without web but the web can’t be used without the internet. The author’s vision about devising pages that work well on all screens like huge 3-D displays that cover a wall to wristwatch-size windows has come true with the invention on smart watches.