Design and Composition
Project A talks about objects that are small to be seen by the naked eye or objects that are too far to be physically reached. Which lead on to inspire me to make atoms as my project. My final project is a representation on how atoms behave which I later made into a game where the user can chase and click the atoms in order to remove it. What makes the game harder is the fast movement of the atoms which I hoped to be engaging to other users. The interactive part of the project is that you can click or hover over the buttons and you can remove, add atoms, add nucleus or clear up the whole page. Whenever the user click on an atom, the counter increases. At first my idea was to create many different type of atoms but that would seem a little hectic so I settled with just one type of atom.
A problem that I encountered was when I tried to create an atom that would look like ovals but the drawing proved to be a problem which is why the atoms ended up being in the shape of circles. At first, the idea was also to allow the atoms to bounce off of each other and gain speed which ends up not happening in the final project. If I could do the project all over I would make the atoms only bounce in the screen as now it could go out of screen and back in. Another idea that didn’t happen was
Reflection and Future Development
The clear all button was the result from the feedbacks that were given during the testing day and ended up being in the final. A lot of people also said that atoms didn’t look like atoms which I changed by adding the tiny circles as protons and neutrons which revolves around the rings. A lot of interesting new ideas were formed from the feedbacks that I received during presentation day. An idea that peaked my attention was to make the background look like a microscope as a atoms are too small to be seen by the naked eye. A lot of feedbacks were also talking about how the atoms should stay in the screen which I would like to implement if there was time. Another idea was to allow the atoms to have different amounts of protons or neutrons which would change the behavior of the atom.