A memory that I want to be turned into a sound is the constant moving from a city to another. As a child, I was constantly moving back and forth from Medan to Jakarta so much that I has two different school in the different locations. Every other month I would take the airplane and keep on packing until I finally settled in Jakarta. This constant moving left me lonely and sad as I had to keep on adapting to the changes. It was a time in my life where my parents were also constantly fighting on where to stay in.
For the most part, I recorded different parts of the suitcase. One of the recording was just me dragging the suitcase. Another one was me pulling the handle up and down. For creating the ambience of being in an airport, I went to a cafeteria and recorded the sound of people talking. The beep of the airplane was a recording of an alarm that was edited to be higher pitch so that it sounded more like the sound when the seatbelt sign turn on. For the takeoff and landing noise, I scratched a paper using my nails going away from the microphone to make it sound like it’s going further away. For the editing process, I made some of the audio a higher or lower pitch to make it sound how I wanted it to. The loudness of the audio are also different for every recording
During the making of the audio, I always used earphones to hear the recording. When played out loud in class, there are some parts like the panting noises and airplane beep that can’t be clearly heard.
Image of Audition