If Mrs. Allgood is harsh or punitive to Mark for breaking the rule, he says to himself, “This class isn’t safe; she isn’t honoring the contract.” Continue reading Safe and Structured
All posts by Xueying (Melody) Han
A Girl I Know Well
“Leigh felt she could talk to Julie about anything, even “feeling pushed away” by her mother. Julie also felt that it had been vital during this time that Leigh had someone “outside the family… to talk to that doesn’t judge a lot.” Continue reading A Girl I Know Well
Sense of safety
“’Your functions are too social. ’ Because we did things like bake sales and parties and movies. Our advisors said that the group had to be about something more than fun. It had to have political aims. Continue reading Sense of safety
High Expectations ?
While some participants were not always academically high performing, almost all remember being thought of as smart and capable when they were young boys. Continue reading High Expectations ?
From a Foreigner’s Perspective
One student explained her silence in class by saying, “I don’t really have much to say. The American kids have had a lot of really interesting experiences. Lots of them have been to Europe and stuff.” Continue reading From a Foreigner’s Perspective