While reading Monica Johnson’s work “Insights on Adolescence from a Life Course Perspective”, the following quote at the beginning of the article caught my attention: “At its core, a life course perspective insists that development is lifelong and that no life stage can be understood in isolation from others” (Johnson 273). Continue reading Histories Over Assumptions
All posts by Stephanie Beck
Students as “Full Human Beings”
“The Prospect Center processes are also useful and are more widely associated with the powerful and respectful way the allow teachers to assess children, not as students with deficits of understanding but as full human beings making sense of the world (Knoester 149)” Continue reading Students as “Full Human Beings”
Going Beyond Stereotypes
After reading Ch.8 about Ellen Brantlinger’s study on social class and student identities I have chosen the following passage:
A decade after my interviews with high- and low-income adolescents, I have come to believe that though there are many losers in the complex and troubled
dynamics of social class relations in school, there may be no true winners. It therefore seems important that educators understand how class identities are
reinforced in student’s performances on the high school stage and how these relations might reveal the roots of some adolescents suffering (Michael
Sadowski, 157). Continue reading Going Beyond Stereotypes