All posts by Shirlyn Liu

MVP 4- What do we know about the brain and the learning

“Keep that concept in mind: that the brain is best at learning what it needs to survive–socially, economically, emotionally and physically. From your typical student brain’s point of view, remember that ‘academic success’ is often quite low on its list of to do’s!” (Philip, 2007, p10)

This article informed me of the importance of non-academic learning experience that I can give to my students. Besides academic parts, what can schools offer to students? I think they should learn time management, money management, skills of communications and how to maintain a relationship…But they are all absent in today’s public education. I know there are some special education programs offer similar learning experiences to students, and I wish general education can also think about those!

Also, I kept thinking about nature versus nurture in a child development after reading this article. This article also reinforces my belief that human development is not nature versus nurture, but more like a complex interaction of each other throughout the lifespan of the human being.

MVP #3–Long Road to Adulthood Is Growing Even Longer

“We have not developed and strengthened institutions to serve young adults,” Mr.
Furstenberg said, “because we’re still living with the archaic idea that people enter
adulthood in their late teens or early 20s.”

This article was published 8 years ago, today we are still talking about the same issue and it seems like this issue is being even worse in this decade. Personally, I think this article is so true–I always hate to admit but I have to have my parents’ help to finish my school and etc. However, every generation is facing their own problems, there is no perfect generation just like there is no perfect person. Although the inequality is still existing, the average life quality is much better than the last generation. My point of view is that as long as young adults can afford their life, we should not put too much judgement on them.

MVP-2 Mexicans are like thieves and bad people, and we’re not really like that

“Angelito shared that Mexican immigrant families like his were not in the U.S. to cause trouble, but to improve their own chances at education, future work, and happiness.”

I was very sad when I was reading this passage. I believe there is no doubt that people move to a new place for a better life, but for what reason do the newcomers have to explain that? I think it is distrust and fear of the “old residents”. It is also understandable that they are scared that the resources they have are being taken away. I like the idea of photovoice project because in this platform, people with different background can share a same belief, that human beings are selfish and we have to admit it; but in the meanwhile human beings are capable to consider from someone else’s view and have empathy on others.

MVP-2 Mexicans are like thieves and bad people, and we’re not really like that

“Angelito shared that Mexican immigrant families like his were not in the U.S. to cause trouble, but to improve their own chances at education, future work, and happiness.”

I was very sad when I was reading this passage. I believe there is no doubt that people move to a new place for a better life, but for what reason do the newcomers have to explain that? I think it is distrust and fear of the “old residents”. It is also understandable that they are scared that the resources they have are being taken away. I like the idea of photovoice project because, in this platform, people from different background can share the same belief, that human beings are selfish and we have to admit it, but in the meanwhile human beings are capable to consider from someone else’s view and have empathy on others.