All posts by Juliana L Daxland

If the teacher does it, it must be okay!

This gay kid in my class was putting something on his lips, and the teacher said, “You don’t need to put on lip gloss in class!” If a girl put on lip gloss in class, he wouldn’t say that. Then the boys in class felt like they could laugh at that kid. If the teacher could make comments, they felt like they could, too. (Cushman, 2003)

A lot of the quotes in the Cushman articles boggled my mind, because they made me think to myself, “How could a teacher ever dream of saying something like that?!” Continue reading If the teacher does it, it must be okay!

If he jumped off a cliff, would you do it, too?

Maybe drug-addicted people aren’t just chasing a good time. Perhaps their brains have somehow mistakenly learned that drugs are the most important thing to pay attention to.
Philip, p. 164

When a student comes into class drunk or high, there is usually a deeper root to the problem – a reason they started abusing in the first place. Continue reading If he jumped off a cliff, would you do it, too?