Girls Girls Girls-Effy

The article of Why do girls engage in those terrible friendship wars? indicate the situation that girls tend to get hurt by friends and the difficulties adults have, including parents, teachers, and school counselors, to solve the problem due to their sensitivity and natural tendacy to take things more personaly than boys especially adolescents.

This remind me of my focal learner observation when I shadowed student C for a day and sense the tension between her and one of her classmate who obviously was the complete possite of her in all aspects which caused the problems in my opinion and also reminded me of my personal experience as an adolescent. It is an inevitable experience of almost all girls and we as educators counldn’t possibly protect all of our female students from it. In fact, to try to understand them from their perspective and help them understand the need to be understanding of others and try not take everything personally could be a good way to solve the problem. But rather, this is also an opportunity for girls to grow up and learn to accept who they are and put apporpriate stress to people around them based on their relationships and also learn to be nice to others and being considerate of others feelings. We have to realize as a educator and future parent that there is no way to protect our students from this but to prepare them and be there for them when the time comes. And maybe to see it as not a completely negative thing.