Xenophonic Bullying in Schools

Bajaj, Ghaffar-Kucher, & Desai, 2016, p. 9

Bullying in schools based on race and cultural hasn’t been taken seriously as other types of physical and phycological bullying. It’s pretty scary to think that everything can start with bullying and can turn into a hate crime. The issues faced by brown people from South Asian background, pointed out by Bajaj, Ghaffar-Kucher, & Desai, (2016) continue to be salient and are not covered enough by the media or taken seriously by the school system. You can be targeted, as they mentioned, where 19 people were killed, among them latinx, Native Americans, and other South Asians with “Muslim like” features right after 9/11. These types of xenophobic attacks are still relevant in today’s political climate, as more hate crimes happened and are covered in the media without any solutions. How can we as teachers empower our students to question and prevent these types of attacks from happening? The authors present a modified curriculum to address xenophobic and racist bullying at schools and hopefully as teachers we can implement them and take preventive measures.