“Tracks can create a self-fulfilling prophesy of behavior in students and play an important role in defining the type of person that they believe themselves to be.” (Ansalone, 2010, p. 12
Tracking or differentiating is assumed to have either a positive or negative affect on a student’s self-concept. Basically, if Ss with a low track are put together in the same classroom it impacts their self-esteem and increases motivation. But, if Ss are in a heterogeneous classroom, low and high track, it has a negative impact on their ability to participate and their attitude in general. It also invites the opportunity for Ss to make comparisons within their classroom, like who’s bright or slow. I’ve seen this first hand at my student placement.
First, at my placement there’s no differentiation for ESL Ss (consider viewing them as Ss with a “low track”) because my CT says that by the end of the year “they’ll get it”, in other words, they’re given the same instruction as everyone else in the hopes of them understanding. I’m the only one that is practicing how to differentiate for the ESL Ss that need it because they really do need it! In my ESL seminars all we talk about is differentiating because not all ESL Ss are the same, it is essential to practice differentiating in our field, so that’s why I try to implement it at my placement. When the students that don’t need help with instructions witness what I do for the ESL Ss they always, and I mean ALWAYS, make side comments about it, like: “That’s easy”, “How do you not know this?”, “Don’t help them, they’re not going to understand”, and “WOW! You’re always asking for help!” I always tell them to mind their business, but I also don’t see it affecting the ESL Ss. I do see the comparisons taking place by the “high track” students, but I don’t see it affecting negatively the ESL Ss self-concept. I wonder if they’re just ignoring it or don’t know how to express that is hurts their feelings when their classmates make those comments? I don’t know if it’s my place to pull the ESL Ss aside and ask how they feel about it?