“Ours is a power of transformative teaching that works to counter these dehumanizing experiences with lessons of compassion, dignity, empowerment, and “critical hope” (Duncan-Anrade, 2009) that helps students critically analyze the systems that oppress them and create new possibilities for social justice” Goodman (2018).
Through my student teaching and my education so far I have been confronted with my fair share of “highs” and “lows”. Most of them “high” in the sense that I am working in a field that intrinsically drives me daily, from the topics this profession requires education on to the discussions and realities it hits. My “lows” have to do with not as much of me as an emerging teacher (although, certainly that as well) but working on a realistic vision of how I can create the spaces (we read about and discussed in class) in which students not only feel heard but needed in order to successfully “work to disrupt the inequitable systems that are oppressing them and their communities” (Goodman, 2018). Through life and learning about these social inequities that hinder communities and families I have spent a lot of time questioning where it is that I can fit in- in what “department” of it all can I understand to the best of my abilities and be part of the shift from such a wide-range of inequalities. I know that being a teacher plays such a critical role in forming an openness and honesty about what goes on in the world, I just wish to be an effective one of service, not as much for myself, but for them. Students (people in general) get systematically “shoved” into various and rather dehumanizing compartments and presented with idealistic, postulated mindset theories while interestingly desensitising real traumatic experiences students may be faced with on a day to day basis. It is not to say that motivation, effort, practice, and learning from mistakes are not crucial in developing social and emotional skills, but limiting it just that doesn’t do students justice. These social justice issues is something every teacher needs to know about, and needs to work on his/her tools in facilitating personal and social transformation. Practicing transformative teaching won’t solve everything, but it can help guide students to be activists for themselves and their communities.