Pass the mic

So often we hear commentary on giving a voice to the voiceless but I think this passage so eloquently emphasizes the true meaning of the photo voice project while also reminding us of a daily practice we should be enacting. The idea of “passing the microphone” is one of the best ways to hear the plethora of voices yearning to not only tell their story but be heard as well. There is always something we can do to metaphorically pass the mic to someone who isn’t being heard enough and get the larger group to hear them out. It’s not about us telling their story and speaking for them, but recognizing that they themselves have voices and can speak their own truth sincerely and better than we ever could.

We as educators and global citizens moving about in this world can either “take away the noise and other obstacles that impede the environment in which students are trying to use their voices…” or amplify their voice by simply passing them the mic.

Immigrant Youth Use Photovoice to Counter Racism and Discrimination (2017) Roxas et. al. p.27-28