Angelito, a 7th grader who emigrated with his
family from Mexico to the U.S, shared his thoughts on how he was received when he
stated, “It is that here there is a lot of, how do I say it? Racism towards immigrants, the
thinking that we are like this, like delinquents.”
What truly resonated with me was the above statement made by one of the students who participated in the study, Angelito. It just goes to show that we can all benefit from a more “pro immigration” community, ie country. Unfortunately there are many stigmas that incoming immigrant students have to face first-hand that incorrectly marks them in society. A project such as the immigrant use of photo-voice to counter racism and discrimination can really give them a chance to not only to speak freely about what their reality looks like, but also portray it in their own creative ways, in this case, via photography. Not only did those students get a chance to build their creativity, but they got to share meaningful information from the heart. For someone who has never had to endure something like this myself, it opens my eyes all the more when I get a chance to read/hear about these real-life stories. It is a constant reminder that no matter how much we think we understand, we never truly may, and we as educators we can and should foster opportunities for students to share their truths and respect them.