How Do We Present Our Students? MVP #2


Knoester, 2008, pg 149-150


I found this passage relevant because as a future teacher of high school, it is very important to keep in mind and constantly reflect that our students are not just students, but also full human beings. Knoester (2008) pointed out the importance of assessing our students not only as students of our class, but by looking at the whole picture through different assessment methods. There are presentation protocols that help teachers describe a student in different contexts and his or her connections with different adults. According to Knoester, these protocols can help remove any general stereotypes and preconceived notions that teachers have of students. But Knoester argues that is pretty time-consuming and challenging to assess a child with these protocols. Even though it can be difficult to do it for every student we encounter, I wonder how, as teachers, can we collaborate more strategically with other teachers to create a more effective and well-rounded profile of our students? What things can we do in the classroom to prevent these generalizations and help students have equal opportunities to succeed?