My elementary school is currently 55% Hispanic, 21% Black, 14% Asian and 8% White.
My middle school is currently 38% Hispanic, 54% Black, 1% Asian and 6% White.
My high school is currently 38% Hispanic, 53% Black, and 9% White.
As a Hispanic male, I never grew up in an environment that made me feel like a minority. So being “white” referred to some “other” that rarely existed in my school environment.
Being “white” was listening to country music. Being “white” was wearing New Balances in a sea of Jordans.
But the stigma usually stopped there. My schools were definitely not the best ranking, but we had Advance Placement, honors classes, pride for our sports team and a consistent flow of concert, jazz and orchestral musicians.
It was fine to be articulate, to be good at math and science, to excel on the court and to play the Oboe for 7 years (that last bit may be a stretch. No one likes the Oboe). We had a history of diverse representatives who showed us that we were not limited by the color of our skin.
“One way educators can work to change both school cultures and students’ self-perceptions is to expand access to high-level curriculum such as gifted and talented programs in the early grades” (pg 40).
Representation is everything and is likely why I felt so comfortable at school.
Sadowski, M. (2008). Adolescents at school: Perspectives on youth, identity, and education. Harvard Education Press. 8 Story Street First Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138
Wow. I love the language you chose to describe being white. I can totally picture the New Balance wearing country music listening student… In fact, I’m unashamed to admit that there was a time in my life that I could have fit that description. Though I totally agree with you on the importance of accessibility to high-level classes, I’m not sure that I understand your final statement “Representation is everything and is likely why I felt so comfortable at school.” I would like to hear more about this idea. Thank you.