Being a middle school teacher is not easy

“As a middle level teacher you will need:
– A sense of humor that you share with students regularly
– Flexibility that you demonstrate in your instructional curricular planning and delivery. “
Brown & Knowles (2007) You want to be a What?

These characteristics of middle level teachers really speak to me because I completely agree with these statement. I have spent a lot of time teaching middle school students English and American history. The key issue I found with adolescents is that they are very easily to be distracted, the average length for them to focus on a subject is not as stable as adults. For teachers, having a good sense of humor could easily amuse students and be popular among them. Therefore, it’s more likely to manipulate them to obey your order.

Secondly, adolescents cannot complete follow your expected routine. Adolescence is a period of time with exploring spirit, courage, and disobedience, so flexibility of pedagogical approaches is crucial to reach out students. Rigidly asking them to follow direction would only stimulate them to act more violently against us. Also, using various ways to reach students can help teaches, as well as students themselves, to better know their potential.