Whenever students walk into the classroom, assume they hold an invisible contract in their hands, which states, “Please teach me appropriate behavior in a safe and structured environment.” The teacher also has a contract, which states, “I will do my best to teach you appropriate behavior in a safe and structured environment.” Rick Smith and Mary Lambert

I believe this is the perfect and ideal environment of teaching and learning. When students enter the classroom expecting safe and well-behaved environment, it is now teachers’ responsibility to teach and maintain the classroom norms. Motivation and positive teacher student relationship enable students to feel safe and secure inside the class, teacher who supports student’s behavior and learning environment can positively impact their social and academic outcomes. Teachers need to be aware of the situation that the students may behave problematic when they are tired, hungry, some health issues, social conflicts, academic difficulties. Having an ability to teach is not only an example of a good teacher but having emotions, passions and honesty that connect with students and fill their work and class with pleasure, creativity, challenge and joy. Teachers need to motivate them to become more responsible and sharing the ideas and opinions in a respectful manner, proper use and care of school facilities and equipment and convince them to respect others opinion, thought and idea too.