“Everyone is doing it”

“Everyone is doing it”

“In this conversation we heard young men who were worried about HIV/AIDS but who still preferred to have sex ‘raw’.”

-Sexuality Education and Desire: Still Miss after All These Years (Fine, 2006)

             When I read this statement, the first sentence shows in my head is “this is teenagers’ characteristic. This is what they ‘like’ to do.” What do teenagers like to do? They like to take risk. According to the statement, even boys know it is possible to have transmitted diseases, they still like to take the chances for ‘raw’ sex in order to search more pleasure. I think this is irresponsible behavior to self and to the girls. The rate of HIV or teen mom is increasing in these days due to the raw sex. When you ask the reason for the raw sex, it is a tragedy to hear teenagers say, “every body is doing it (raw sex)”. This message put the pressure on those teenagers who feel uncomfortable to do it. It makes them feel it is supposed to have raw sex. It sounds to have more fun. I mean raw sex is a choice. I mean when teenagers do it, they should understand what responsibility behind their decisions.