“A final theme, the importance of historical change, is woven throughout our discussion. In general, the nature and meaning of adolescence is evolving, with a simultaneous acceleration of transitions into adult norms and values and prolongation of the achievement of autonomy for many segments of the population.” – “Insights on Adolescence From a Life Course Perspective”
I chose this passage because I think this is something that we forget to take into consideration when interacting with adolescents. We have our own experiences of what it was like to be an adolescent and sometimes we may take information and knowledge from that without remembering that these kids were born in a different time and have a different idea of what it means to be going through puberty and adolescence. But this article more generally was talking about socio-economic and biological changes that have happened throughout history that make being a teenager different now than it was then. If educators want to better understand these adolescents and better help them learn, we need to take into account the world that they have grown up in.
I agree to that “the nature and meaning of adolescence is evolving”, which also makes me think of generation gap. Experience and the world that we had and grown up in greatly affect what kind of person we will be shaped into. The different experience of two generations brings us different understanding of adolescence and adulthood. I think generation gap includes the different understanding of the two generations and the different nature and meaning of adolescence and adulthood to them.