MVP about “Joaquin’s Dilemma” Understanding the Link between Racial Identity and School-Related Behaviors

The first article from Chapter two “Joaquin’s Dilemma” Understanding the Link between Racial Identity and School-Related Behaviors really provoked some thoughts in me. What makes this article different is how it talks about the stereotypes of certain groups of people determined not just by race, but also gender, academic achievement could all be problems for adolescent students since they are developing an identity in this society and need acceptance from people around them. It is hard enough for adolescents to try to be approved both by adults by studying hard and by their peers or group members by trying to be  “cool” or “tough”. Whichever group they belong to, everybody suffers at some point because of being different.

What’s important is what we as educators should do to help students with such problems. The author proposed some very useful suggestions and what I would like to add is that we should try to be able to identify the problems but believe it deeply in our hearts that everybody is equal at the same time; to try to break the stereotypes but also believe that they are false at the same time; to try to distinguish students as their individual selves but also know that everybody is the same whatever color their skin might be, whichever social class they come from, or whichever gender they are. We must believe as the author mentioned that all students need a healthy relationship with a supporting adult no matter what they may appear to be and never stop trying to help them.

Thank you very much for your time!

One thought on “MVP about “Joaquin’s Dilemma” Understanding the Link between Racial Identity and School-Related Behaviors

  1. I really like your point that recognizing (and valuing) differences in our students is just as important as recognizing similarities.

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