Below you will find a map, created through Google Maps, that demonstrates the neighborhood boundaries of Loisaida and highlights local cultural centers and organizations, affordable housing sites, service organizations, churches, community gardens, and cultural landmarks. These sites were chosen via my discretion, and brief summaries can be obtained by clicking on the pins.
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Rebecca Amato says
This is great! I was trying to figure out of the Chico Garcia mural you identified was actually related to CHINO Garcia, but couldn’t actually locate the mural on Google Maps. Are you sure it’s at 212 Avenue B? Is it the decor for the East Village Cafe? I’d love for you to talk a bit about why these places seem worthy of identification TO YOU. What do they tell us about Loisaida that, say, an electronics shop wouldn’t? What makes them significant? In other words, how are you defining “neighborhood” *for yourself* and how do places like the ones you marked fit into that definition? To me this is an interesting question because a lot of the conversation around displacement and gentrification and preservation is around different conceptual understandings of what “neighborhood” is. Sometimes those neighborhoods overlap, sometimes they erase each other. So tell me why these spots define the Loisaida for you!
dpg304 says
I think there is a graffiti artist who went by Chico, Antonio Garcia is his name. I don’t know if it’s the right address for the mural, but I believe Jesse is right about the name. I don’t believe Chino was a muralist.
dpg304 says