Over these past ten weeks, my research interests in African American history and culture were re-affirmed. Seeing the voids in history has made me aware of what I want to see more of: black culture and history. While I was not able to interview Erika Hart, a participant in the Illness and Identity exhibit showcased…
Urban Practice Fellowship Mapping Project
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1vlRV41yW1F-revIk0G9BkMSg9mA&w=640&h=480] *My Google Map chronicling the Place Matters sites and boroughs I have visited during this fellowships.* For my storytelling project with City Lore, I had a lot of freedom as to which Place Matters sites I chose to research and interview at. The first one was The Bronx Music Heritage Center (BMHC), next…
Definition of a “field”: Thoughts on City Lore, cultural preservation, and community-organization relations
“Sociologists who study organizations sometimes use the term ‘field’ to describe a set of organizations linked together as competitors and collaborators within a social space devoted to a particular type of action — such as a market for certain products, the pursuit of urban development, or the realm of electoral politics. Agreements struck among the…
Inteview with Bobby Sanabria from Bronx Music Heritage Center (BMHC)
Behind The Scenes The Bronx Music Heritage Center As I was taking an Insta-story right outside of the Bronx Music Heritage Center (BMHC), my interviewee Bobby Sanabria caught me in the act. Bobby is Co-Artistic Director of Bronx Music Heritage Center alongside Elena Martinez. After I briefly laughed off that slightly awkward moment, we entered…
First Day at City Lore: Thoughts on Race, Gender, and Sexuality Part 1
During my first day at the organization, I recognized a person who was a part of the “Illness and Identity” exhibit at City Lore. Her name is Erika Hart and she is known for her work in raising awareness of breast cancer in the black community. She has had a double mastectomy so she has…