Over these past ten weeks, my research interests in African American history and culture were re-affirmed. Seeing the voids in history has made me aware of what I want to see more of: black culture and history. While I was not able to interview Erika Hart, a participant in the Illness and Identity exhibit showcased…
Week 10
Urban Practice Fellowship Mapping Project
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1vlRV41yW1F-revIk0G9BkMSg9mA&w=640&h=480] *My Google Map chronicling the Place Matters sites and boroughs I have visited during this fellowships.* For my storytelling project with City Lore, I had a lot of freedom as to which Place Matters sites I chose to research and interview at. The first one was The Bronx Music Heritage Center (BMHC), next…