

Telling the Story (excerpt) – from Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom, bell hooks, Routledge, 2009

Wired for Story: the Writer’s Guide to Using Brain Science, Lisa Cron, Ten Speed Press, 2012

Showing and Telling, Laurie Alberts, Penguin Random House, 2010

Zen in the Art of Writing, Ray Bradbury, Joshua Odell Editions, 1994

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art, Scott McCloud, William Morrow Paperbacks, 1994

Backwards and Forwards: a Technical Manual for Reading Plays, David Ball, EDS Publications, 1998

Do The Work, Steven Pressfield, The Domino Project 2011

Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, Katie Salen,  Eric Zimmerman, MIT Press, 2003

On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction, Brian Boyd, Belknap Press, 2009

Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting, Robert McKee, It Books, 1997

Shitty First Drafts (excerpt) – from Bird by Bird: some instructions on Writing and Life, Ann Lamott, Anchor, 1994



Advice for Artists Whose Parents Want Them to Be Engineers – New York Times

Exploring the 12 Stages of the Hero’s Journey – Screencraft

5 Rules for Writing Stories That Work – Writers Digest

Minimalism, Success, and the Curious Writing Habit of George R.R. Martin – James Clear

Good News About Procrastination – Ruth Harris

Sonata Form and Three Act Structure by Scott Myers – Go Into the Story – Blacklist

Structure of a Shakespearean Play by Owen Roberts – Pen and the Pad

The Myth and Magic of Deliberate Practice  – James Clear

5 Trademarks Of A Phoebe Waller-Bridge Pilot by David Young – Screencraft

Dramatic Tension by Melissa Caruso