American Dream

I received an interesting quote from Bloomberg on one of the big term American Dream bonds (7% 2050) which last traded at 87 and implies a yield of 8.16.  So, the question is, what price entices you to buy this bond (if at all)?


One thought on “American Dream”

  1. It’s hard to find many redeeming factors for the American Dream project. Tenants leaving, filing for bankruptcy, trend towards e-commerce, missed mortgage payments on Mall of America – used as collateral by the developer Triple 5…..
    With limited Covid capacity, does the model still work? Can they repay previously issued municipal revenue bonds? Yields are good but unrated so should I be comparing to similar municipal junk-like bonds? In current climate can I still consider municipal bonds as safe….perhaps that’s an exaggeration. I have been using EMMA as my main source but it’s been difficult to disseminate useful information, any other suggestions?

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