Tag: V

Phil Villanueva


Previously the Stern School used a Performance Evaluation and Appraisal Kit (PEAK) web application that had limitations in features and lacked growth potential.  Members of the Stern HR department reached out to the Stern IT to incorporate enhancements.  This led to a complete rewrite and redesign of the PEAK application.
The  current PEAK application:

  • is a Stern authenticated web application.
  • allows employees of Stern to save and submit self appraisals.
  • allows managers of employees to save and submit employee evaluations.
  • allows managers to request a 360 feedback from other members of the Stern community that worked with the manager’s employee.

In addition, both employees and managers can review current and previous appraisals and employee evaluations.

Co-Presenter: Kirk Morris

Benjamin Vien

Steinhardt IT Video Conferencing

With a such a vast and diverse community of educators and researchers that work both on campus and the in the field, video conferencing quickly became a solution to fit meetings into everyone’s busy schedules.  A new problem emerged as departments used ad-hoc video conferencing solutions that were plagued by hardware and software compatibility limitations.  While Polycom and Skype technology solved the need video conferencing, the solution was far from ideal.  Blue Jeans technology solves these limitations by being able to bridge multiple video conferencing technologies.  This new system allowed us to bridge our enterprise equipment on campus, such as our Polycom  and Cisco, with the technology in the field, such as iPads, iPhones, and laptops.  Our new unified videoconferencing solution allowed for seamless video communication which translate into more efficient and more collaborative work with a bigger real world impact.  It allows our end users to be free of dedicated technicians and engage in distance learning on the fly.

Co-presenters: Lendyll Capitulo, Jonathan Winters, David Gitlin, Ilana Levinson

Jennifer Vinopal

Libraries and IT

Joint IT/Libraries Services for Scholars

Learn about a network of interrelated services available through IT and Libraries, including Digital Studio, Data Services, and Digital Scholarship Services. We help NYU scholars collect, create, analyze, store, share, and publish their research data.

Co-Presenters: Scott Collard, Rich Malenitza, Zach Coble, Him Mistry*

Ben Vien

Steinhardt IT

Defining IT and AT services to Redefine technology at Steinhardt

Technology services at Steinhardt have traditionally been focused on IT services such as storage and desktop support. Over the past year, we have realigned resources to more effectively and efficiently support Academic Technology. We operate as a synergistic cross-functional team where every individual compliments each-other. Our efforts in research computing, classroom technology, and many other areas could not be possible without a dynamic culture. We know silos are an issue at NYU, and will speak to the benefits of creating structures without silos.

Co-Presenters: Lendyll Capitulo, Ilana Levinson

Jason Varone

Institute of Fine Arts, NYU

Mapping Institute of Fine Arts Alumni is an online interactive map that visualizes the international reach of the Institute of Fine Arts’ alumni. The map uses d3.js to manipulate our alumni data set. Now, visitors to our website can locate the current employment status of over 1,000 active IFA alumni.

Mapping IFA Alumni can be used as a recruitment tool. For example, prospective students can see how many museum directors worldwide were educated at the Institute, or what percentage of our alumni work in conservation. The map can also be used by our current students and alumni to find each other when they travel the globe visiting museums.

This project was a collaboration between the IFA’s Web and Electronic Media Manager, Jason Varone, and a student in NYU’s ITP program, Sagar Mohite. Sagar graduated last semester.