Tag: T

Heather Tranen

NYU Wasserman

Mobile Apps and Student Engagement at Events

The Wasserman Center will showcase the career fair app utilized to increase engagement and collect valuable data about student interaction at a large scale event.

Co-Presenter: Lesia Harhaj

Nadaleen Tempelman-Kluit


Library User Experience #libux @NYU

NYU Libraries User Experience (UX) department will present on:
-personas created using Ask a Librarian chat transcript data
-collaborative usability testing projects with other NYU schools and departments
-design slam for our Login screens and resulting design
-agile process utilizing user stories based on user flows
-holistic user experience processes exploring the physical and virtual interactions and how to ensure consistency amongst them
-web re-envisioning process re-designing our website to address our global context

Co-Presenters: Juliana Culbert, Tal Rozen

Marina Thomatos


Evolution of an Online Course

This project transformed a lecture format course into a fully-online asynchronous and synchronous course. The poster provides a few interactive diagrams and animations as examples from the course to demonstrate new ways to present instructional content beyond lecture with powerpoint slides.