Tag: M

Carrie Mantione

Streamline your Workflow with Salesforce.com

NYU Wagner chose Salesforce.com because we needed a sophisticated CRM solution to help manage the complexities of supporting disparate departments with a wide range of technology needs.  Wagner’s Salesforce implementation also allows us to centralize data for reporting and analytics to help us improve our operational efficiency, anticipate changes in cycles, and improve resolution time.   My presentation will highlight the various components of our implementation and how they all tie in together to create a streamlined workflow.  Some of the highlights of our Salesforce implementation include: contact management, external communication management, case management,  event planning and management, integration with Wagner’s website, integration with NYU and third-party systems, HR and staff management, task management, space & equipment inventory system,  alumni activity tracking system, knowledge base deployment and management, customization and application programming, dashboards, workflows, marketing and business intelligence.

Lillian Moran


Flipping a Large Lecture Class

Introduction to Media Studies is a core freshman course, with approx. 300 students, in Media, Culture, and Communication (MCC), Steinhardt. The professor, Ted Magder, has won several excellent teaching awards both here at NYU and at previous institutions, however was keenly aware that his large lecture needed more student engagement.

GLI worked with Prof. Magder over several months to identify areas of his course which could be ‘flipped’, freeing up class time to incorporate student centered activities. Two of the eight segments in the course were flipped during this initial revised version, with additional segments to be flipped and re-used with other core MCC course in future semesters.

Co-Presenter: Suzanne Ciprut, Global Learning & Innovation

Him Mistry

NYU Data Services

Data Services – Next Gen.

Data Services is a centralized and key research support service at NYU.

Learn about our existing and future services like Geoblacklight – search & discovery of spatial data, Research Data Management, data and research life-cycle support, course integrated instruction, visualization, and more.