Connect Articles

Digital Dérive
You’ve arrived at a train station. Exactly where it is, who can say? Exactly what brought you here? That’s unclear. Maybe you just felt like wandering. As you stand on the platform, a guitar player attracts your attention. He seems to know more about you than you know about him, or about yourself.

Building an ePortfolio with NYU Web Publishing
The ePortfolio program at Gallatin allows students to document and digitally showcase their work and prepare for their senior colloquium.

Capturing a Face: Bjork, Masks, and 3D Scanning at LaGuardia Studio
Icelandic musician Bjork has long been interested in the intersection of technology and nature, while MIT’s Neri Oxman’s specialty is designing 3D printed objects using innovative materials that relate to and are designed by biology, based on scans of Bjork done at NYU’s LaGuardia Studio.

Reality Plus
Augmented Reality is set to become one of the largest new industries of the 21st century. The Mobile Augmented Reality Lab at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering introduces students to working with AR in a myriad of ways.

Exploring the Silicon City
An exhibit at the New York Historical Society, Silicon City: Computer History Made in New York, looks at the rich history of computing in New York City, including the key role played by New York University as home to one of the world’s first supercomputers.

Your Own Personal Hacker
Information technology security moves at a pace that can seem almost impossible to keep up with. Before a major new piece of software or hardware is even released to the public, hackers around the world are experimenting with how to bypass its security.

Trees Count
Ask the average person what lines the streets of New York City, and the likeliest response will be buildings. Nestled at the foot of the city’s brownstones, skyscrapers, and towers, however, are the city’s street trees.

Using Technology to Analyze Political Expression Across Continents
During this past semester, teams of students in New York and Buenos Aires archived murals, graffiti, performances, and installations in selected neighborhoods of the two cities, using tablets and GIS software.

Inside NYU IT’s Global Command Center
The monitoring of data center environmental conditions is one part of a broad spectrum of tasks performed by the Global Command Center. It is also responsible for monitoring UPS/power, physical security, mechanical equipment, all mission-critical administrative and academic systems, data storage, network and connectivity, the processing and scheduling of batch jobs, as well as tape vaulting operations. All of this is made possible by the use of a broad range of monitoring tools: Nagios, ManageEngine, and BMS, to name just a few.

Academic Technology Services at NYU Abu Dhabi (2014, may need update) include???
The NYU Abu Dhabi Academic Technology team, based within the NYU Abu Dhabi Library, supports the teaching, learning, and research needs of students and faculty. Some of the services that we support include: NYU Classes; software licensing across campus; specialized printing; digitization; data services; lecture capture; live streaming; and faculty teaching technology support.

UnMeeting’ Connects IT Community Across Continents
On January 21, 2013, over 120 people from across the University came together for NYU’s first-ever IT “UnMeeting.” While it may have initially seemed like any other University-sponsored get together, when it was time to go over the agenda, it was immediately apparent things were going to be different.