Category: Steinhardt IT

A Snapshot of Steinhardt in 2016



A high level analysis of Steinhardt Technology Services’ data trends for the calendar year 2016. We will be discussing Steinhardt Technology Services key metrics and how our key metrics influenced business strategy.


Lendyll Capitulo




Classroom and Learning Spaces
Learning Analytics

Faculty Committee on the Future of Technology-Enhanced Education
Teaching Technology
Instructional Technologist
Digital Learning Environment


Ilana Levinson

Learning Analytic Working Group
Classroom and Learning Spaces Subcommittee


Faculty Committee on the Future of Technology-Enhanced Education
Instructional Technology Subcommittee
Digital Learning Environment Subcommittee

Ben Vien

Steinhardt IT

Defining IT and AT services to Redefine technology at Steinhardt

Technology services at Steinhardt have traditionally been focused on IT services such as storage and desktop support. Over the past year, we have realigned resources to more effectively and efficiently support Academic Technology. We operate as a synergistic cross-functional team where every individual compliments each-other. Our efforts in research computing, classroom technology, and many other areas could not be possible without a dynamic culture. We know silos are an issue at NYU, and will speak to the benefits of creating structures without silos.

Co-Presenters: Lendyll Capitulo, Ilana Levinson