Category: NYU Stern School of Business

Jason Phillips

NYU Stern School of Business

NYU SternPlay – Take the Stairs

NYU SternPlay is a mobile app that utilizes iBeacon location-based technology to promote better collaboration and improve efficiency at Stern. The first phase of the app is an initiative called “Take the Stairs”, a school-wide competition promoting stair usage. Various groups will compete to see who can take the most steps, and in so doing will reduce elevator wait times, congestion and energy consumption. Those who log the most steps on leader boards will be rewarded.

Co-Presenter(s): Janet Lyden and/or Bridget Wiede

Kevin Birk

NYU Stern School of Business

Mediasite Lecture Capture Implementation

This project covers the implementation of the NYU Stern School of Businesses transition from ECHO360 lecture capture system to the Mediasite Lecture Capture system in all of our classrooms and special event spaces, including hardware installation and configuration, application configuration, changes to our offered services, and migration of existing content from the ECHO360 content servers to Mediasite hosted environment.

Co-Presenters: Jerry Chong, Benjamin Stifler (both tentative)