Category: NYU Libaries

NYU Stream in 5s

TLT – Libraries


Walk folks through the great new features of NYU Stream 5 cool suggestion: new video collaboration(s), new analytics & assessment features, resource building, etc.

Demo the quick and simple set up workflows – show the ease these features can be prepared/created/implemented (w/powerful T&L benefits) in under 5 minutes.


Kristopher Moore


A Year in the Life of DLTS

Digital Library Technology Services


When asked what it is we do at DLTS, we realized that the best way to provide an answer is to give examples of our work. We gathered information about projects we worked on in a 12-month period to illustrate the breadth of activities we do.


Carol Kassel, DLTS

A Year in the Life of DLTS

NYU Web Hosting Service

NYU Libraries


The Digital Scholarship Services department from NYU Libraries will be on hand to discuss the Web Hosting service. The Web Hosting service supports supports teaching, learning, and research at NYU and provides users with access to flexible web space and customizable hosting platforms, including Omeka, Drupal, and Scalar, as well as command line and FTP access to make changes to core web development technologies such as MySQL, PHP and Python.


Zach Coble

NYU Web Hosting

Digital Repository Services for Research



The Digital Repository Services for Research (DRSR) project aims to provide university-wide storage and repository services for researchers to support the entire research data life-cycle. The project includes a mountable storage service, enabling secure storage, backup, collaboration, and sharing of research data, repository services for long-term preservation, discovery, and dissemination of research materials, parallel storage systems supporting high performance computing, and secure environments. DRSR has already partnered with the Center for Open Science to provide the Open Science Framework for NYU and will be releasing more services starting in Spring.


Dylan Simon, Madan Dorairaj, Nick Wolf

Digital Repository Services for Research//