Content Management

Content Management

Managing all kinds of content, how is it collected and shared

Content management, is also about selection/curation of content

Is CM not all things to all people or content means different things to different people,  editor, vs writer, vs photographer, vs user

CM people are individual who gives content meaning and how do we go about managing .

Content is accessible either the web or over a network.

COntent ownership issues, along with who is addressing uploading, techies like lots of control and wants meta data and regular folks want to be uploading all kinds of content more and more.  Standards.

Web facing content vs development level of preparing content for users.

A lot of CM systems are agnostic to what the object is, text, video picture but this is not always enough

Plone is open source CM system for Ancient Studies, all systems have limitations.

Important that whatever CM is set up for whatever is

Meta Data standards are important for any roll out of a CM system at the institution, at least a limited amount.

Each department, unit, curriculum has had to create local solutions, silo-ing all these CM repositories and are not interchangeable.

The growing pains of technology. and this is the life we chose, so the path to full solutions is still a journey of a bumpy road.  But there is light at the end of the tunnel if we work together.

The university has chosen CQ5 as the Content Management systenm or Day Communik.  But it doesn’t serve everyone’s needs.   Which his a challenge .   All kinds of issues with this so it probably is not the last word on this

Can have issues with open source, cause there are always needs for people to help ammend the system.  Need more trained people.

Confidence that the Tools will improve with time.

CM is only as good as the data that is entered.  True and there are always consequences when people don’t fill in all the fields.

Question if there is experience of people migrating to different system.  IT is a challenge no matter what

The importance is to ensure that the content can be exportable if have begun to use proprietary systems.

The world of CM has matured, and is much farther along possibly there is a system that can handle many of the silos that exists.  There will never be one tool to solve everyone’s needs or problems

R News / meta data specifications exist,

Want to have regular folks upload content to CM systems.

But  THere is the need for specialist still to work on higher levels.

There is a need to hold the line on meta data field, yea Librarians

But this is not needed for all content that is uploaded

Need to have the right questions to be able to help determine the right CM tool

2 questions only:  how easy to get my stuff out of a CM system and How easy is it to move stuff around in the CM system

With GLobal, what is happening that influence the decisions at the global sites.

retention in CM is important and the quality of the essence