Quality Assurance

Anna Makarevich Facilitator
Richard Israel Note Taker
Jill Appel
David Resto
Kevin Tan
Melitte Buchman
Francesca Socolick

ITS QA develops scripts based on user input of what they want from a system.
Usability – best expectation from the user
QA with limited resources creates a problem.  Intranet for NYU Nursing.
Does ITS QA process have a stand-alone team?
Testing in System Integration, Data, and Security
Deal with a feedback loop on client service
Current development practice is to do QA throughout the development process
Kevin:  Development is a one-person act, with DB Design, Documentation, Coding, and Testing (NYU Poly)
How do you involve the user in the testing process?
Francesca:  Set up usability testing.  Define participants.