Steinhardt Academic Technology Services

Steinhardt Academic Technology Services


Poster will outline the three service areas of Steinhardt Academic technology.

Course Design
Supporting and guiding faculty through any and all phases of the course design and production process, including instructional design, media development best practices, project management, and introduction to appropriate resources within the University. This can include new courses or existing courses.

Support for Teaching with Technology
Support faculty in using technology effectively in teaching and research through individual and small group sessions. Create and disseminate templates, guides and best practices. Assist and provide technical support using University and Steinhardt tools and resources. Explore our knowledge base, ZenDesk, to review on-demand resources, best practices and recommendations on instructional tools to enhance teaching and learning!

Innovation and Experimentation
Support the academic, research and administrative needs of our clients by creating new opportunities to adapt our academic technology environment by exploring and creating new solutions, processes or innovations.


Ilana Levinson, Francesca Socolick, Kelsey Buttendorf

Steinhardt Academic Technology Services