Week 1 Homework

When you hear the words “Artificial Intelligence”, what are the first four things that come to your mind? (p.11)

  1. Tesla – automatic, self driving cars
  2. Voice Assistants are Siri, Alexa, etc. 
  3. Robots that talk (seen in movies) – robots that can understand linguistic inputs and give a valid, logical responses
  4. Random () function on p5.js  

Answer the questions from the “Everyday AI Activity” on pages 23-28 of the A People’s Guide to AI.


One of the things that surprised me the most while reading this excerpt was the ‘bias’ in Artificial Intelligence. Oftentimes than not (including myself), when something is done by a machine (or AI), we think that the task is done in a non-biased, objective manner because of the ‘precision’ of the machine (note the difference between precision v.s. accuracy). However, the reading makes it clear that the precision of AI outputs purely depends on the data that the creator (who are big companies that may skew the data for their profits) puts in. The predictions that AI can make is a product of the data put in, therefore the output may be precise, but not necessarily accurate nor representative of the population.

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