Week 1 Blog

This week’s reading focused on the patterns that are commonly present in stories, or often times in themes/ideas as well. I really liked the phrase that was used in the article: the “pattern of descent and return.” This idea of a cyclical loop, as stated in the reading, can be seen in our everyday lives — essay revision process, ideas in music, books, presentations, etc.. There are so many ways this loop theme is explored. 

As an exercise, I wanted to find this theme in one of my favorite classical music pieces: Schubert Quartet no 14 in d minor ii. andante con moto. In this piece, one main melodic line is explored through different keys, rhythmic notations, dynamics, feelings, etc.. Each of these smaller ‘sections’ are seperated by repeat signs, which enhances the ‘loop’ of the melodic line in each section. Similarly, the ‘voice’ (or the ‘main character’ of the story, since I often percieve music as a storyline) is passed from one instrument to the other, creating opportunities for different voices to tell the same story (similar melodic line). One particular instance of this is evident in the beginning of the music. The first half of the music is led by the first violin, who coveys the melodic line in its high register notes. Then the melodic lines gets passed to the cello, who conveys the melody in much deeper, heavier, and authority-like energy. While one instrument has the melody, other instruments play supporting role or plays a direct harmonization to the main melody, strengthening the musicality of the story as a whole. 

In this piece, the “return” aspect is very heavy. In every section, the melody is looped at least twice, which is also all spread out within the entirity of the piece. The different variations of the melody seems to correlate with what this week’s writing is talking about: adaptation, return, and change. Adaptation is conveyed through the small sections (seperated by the repeat signs) of the piece. Return is conveyed through the same base melodic line that is apparent throughout the piece. Change is conveyed through the different key, rhythm, and melodic variations. 

pdf of the sheet music (first violin only): https://s9.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/9/95/IMSLP50313-PMLP09913-Schubert_op.posth_Vn_I.pdf

youtube link to the music: 


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