Assignment 9

rough draft of “Results” and “Evaluation” section. The following is the link to the full draft:


    1. Cold Read Interviews

    Originally, the plan was to get one or two volunteers who would have my concept designs tattooed on their skin. Once I had these volunteers, the initially plan was to hold pre and post tattoo session interviews, where I would ask them questions like the following: 

    3. Dfak

     However, I did not get to this point in the time frame of this project. Therefore, I had to change my evaluation method to be different. Then, I chose to stay with the interview method, but changed the subjects of the interviewees to people in the ages from 20-26. In each interview sessions, I asked for a cold read feedback session on my concept sketches. I did not give any context or explanation to what the concepts meant, except the explanation that the pictures shown were tattoo concept designs. I expected the responses to be quiet negative, for the concept sketches were meant to look ‘unsual’ and unfamlliar to the eyes. They were almost meant to be anti-aesthetic. Then, as with my prediction, four people responded to the designs negatively, while two responded positively. The following section will be showing the responses that I received. The format of the presentation is Name (# of tattoos): “exact response”:

    The following were the few of negative comments: 

    1. F (0 tattoos):“it’s unusual… don’t like that [the design placements] overlap with the anatomy weirdly”
    2. R (0 tattoos ):“there’s nothing worse than that”
    3. J (6 tattoos): “It’s unnatural… doesn’t go with the body” 

    The following were the positive responses: 

    1. J (lost count): “I like it / it’s sharp … it’s a line that cuts across the entire body” “ It’s both a challenge to physical and spiritual bodily autonomy.”
    2. E (3 tattoos):”looks swag, probably painful”

    I thought it was important to include their age and how many tattoos that they had, for this could determine how familiar one was with conventional tattoo designs and the tattoo culture. 


    Based on the interviews I’ve conducted, my project was able/unable to achieve my goals of []. When answering my research question, “”, 

    First, I think it’s important to reiterate that My goal was to have tattoos that challenged the traditional image of the body, which meant that people would likely have visual discomfort when looking at the tattoo designs. 

    • Then, from the perspective of my goal, I believe that I was successful in capturing the discomfort of the intended imagery.
    • Though majority of my interviewees thought that the designs were unusual looking, the pool of the survey was small. I need to expand the audience size in order to truly conclude that my designs go against what we consider is “normal” on the body. 
    • Additionally, I would like to consider how these respondents would have answered differently if they knew the concepts behind my designs.

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