I'm remixing my first exploration, the 3D-printed shell charm for a bracelet. I thought it would be fun to manufacture more tangible materials and wearable objects. I recalled a sculptural object I ...
Exploratory Making
Project 02: Conveyor Belt
My priorities were: to learn new skills/tools to rely on instinct more than research to make something that utilizes digital media significantly as opposed to physical media to work solo ...
Rhizome PJQ, Recess IfNF
My curiosity syllabus Rhizome Reflection: Pete Jiadong Qiang is a multimedia artist based in the UK. He explores the intersection of culture, technology, and affection—with a particular interest in ...
Project 01: Gift Expanded
The gift I brought was the book “Seven Brief Lessons On Physics” by Carlo Rovelli. It’s almost more a sentimental object than a book to me because I read it so infrequently and have it next to ...
Exploration 02 – Transformation Through Attention
Deep Listening Exercises: Taoist Face Wash: Felt good to move vigorously and violate all the anti-aging facialskincare boundaries of what our hands are allowed to do on our face. Woke up all my ...