In this final Web Collage Project, I integrated all of my ideas in the previous two mini-projects. I combined the key sentence “Stay true to yourself” with my collage art. Also, I added one new face as a new layer together with the previous collage art(the mouth of truth). This aims to make the normal Mouth of Truth sculpture more lively, and can also be regarded as the combination of the girl seeking for truth and truth itself, which are two elements in my previous collage arts.
I created two new figures, a man and a woman, both are crystalized and pointalized with the use of Photoshop. This aims to weaken their own facial features and to use them as examples of all the public. There are tapes on their mouth, which can be removed after you hover on it with the mouse. This represents that they are hampered, by some worldly unfair regulations, however, if you are willing to get close enough to them, you will find out what they really want to express.
There are two lines of words in the top left on the page. The first line of words have a checkbox, users can make their own choice and delete the one they decided to give up. And the second line is “Do you dare to pursue your dream?” It is a question for all. And if you choose to pursue your dream, (after hovering on it), you can see the words ”Truth” and “Yourself” become clearer gradually.
And here is the link to my Web Collage.