When developing the previous Manifesto with the use of CSS, I tried a lot of different styles. For the sentence “you had a dream, you wanna protect it”, I used a text-shadow when the mouse covers the text, you can see the font size become bigger, together with the shadow, to make the whole sentence more eye-catching. This design is trying to express the idea that if you really try to protect your dream, it is very likely to come true. So, please never have the preconceived belief that the dream is too far-reaching before you have a try. For the next line, I used grid areas to separate the sentence into three parts. In addition, I added the hover effect to change the content in both the left and right grids. This shows the different choices made because of distinctive beliefs.
For the color, I mainly used pink and purple, which in my opinion, are dreamy. I tried to make the audience feel that the dream is still there for them to achieve.
In general, I developed this manifesto in the principle of leaving a deeper impression on the audience that “please stay true to yourself”.