Breaking News: Americans Don't Know Much About Religion

Elissa Lerner: If you’re reading this you a) are likely aware of Laurie Goodstein’s hot-button column yesterday digesting the Pew Forum’s recent survey about America’s religious ignorance and b) probably scored abnormally highly on the 6-question pop quiz. (Overachievers, here is the Pew’s 15-question quiz.) Congratulations! As frightening (and unsurprising) as these findings may be, there are some other issues to address here. Are we really still referring to “Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism” as “world religions” and neatly separating them from Christianity? Could Pew really not find enough statistical significance of Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist American responses to this survey? Continue Reading →

Breaking News: Americans Don’t Know Much About Religion

Elissa Lerner: If you’re reading this you a) are likely aware of Laurie Goodstein’s hot-button column yesterday digesting the Pew Forum’s recent survey about America’s religious ignorance and b) probably scored abnormally highly on the 6-question pop quiz. (Overachievers, here is the Pew’s 15-question quiz.) Congratulations! As frightening (and unsurprising) as these findings may be, there are some other issues to address here. Are we really still referring to “Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism” as “world religions” and neatly separating them from Christianity? Could Pew really not find enough statistical significance of Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist American responses to this survey? Continue Reading →

Breaking News: Americans Don’t Know Much About Religion

Elissa Lerner: If you’re reading this you a) are likely aware of Laurie Goodstein’s hot-button column yesterday digesting the Pew Forum’s recent survey about America’s religious ignorance and b) probably scored abnormally highly on the 6-question pop quiz. (Overachievers, here is the Pew’s 15-question quiz.) Congratulations! As frightening (and unsurprising) as these findings may be, there are some other issues to address here. Are we really still referring to “Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism” as “world religions” and neatly separating them from Christianity? Could Pew really not find enough statistical significance of Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist American responses to this survey? Continue Reading →